Peru: Training on Modeling Techniques for Green Growth

1 August 2018 - 3 August 2018
1-3 August 2018, Lima, Peru – In collaboration with the Ministry of Production of Peru (PRODUCE) and the EU-funded project “Inclusive Green Economy Policy Making for SDGs: from Implementation to Evaluation”, Universidad del Pacífico (CIUP) and the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) held a three day capacity building event on the Integrated Green Economy Modelling (IGEM) Tool.
Building on a previous workshop where the IGEM framework was presented to Peruvian government officials and other stakeholders in 2017, the three-day event marked the first phase of the implementation of the IGEM tool in Peru. The training process, aimed at public officials and members of academia, intends to enable the evaluation of green policies in several sectors, including the manufacturing sector, of particular relevance in the context of the greening of Peru’s economic structure.
During the opening of the workshop, Philippe Vanhuynegem, Director of the ILO Office for Andean Countries, acknowledged that Peru has successfully taken on the task of promoting green growth. “In this process, the United Nations has been contributing to the generation of knowledge to incorporate the concept of green inclusive economy in policies and national plans”, he recalled. “Now PAGE is in a phase of consolidation and we’re transferring knowledge, tools and capabilities developed to ensure the sustainability of its actions”.
The Integrated Green Economy Modelling Tool (IGEM) will allow Peru to use a range of economic, social and environmental indicators to project the impacts of potential green policy measures and to analyse the effects of existing policies. “Having this information in a timely manner is essential for policy decisions and planning”, he added.
Policies evaluated with this tool should help meet the national objectives of sustainable development, improve competitiveness, promote economic growth, diversify the economy and generate green jobs. In this sense, Congressman Pedro Olaechea insisted on the need to use the information generated to “work in the creation of solid markets and incentives that motivate entrepreneurs to invest in green jobs and businesses and, at the end of the day, contribute to reduce informality”.
The training also served to refine the process of implementation, monitoring and reporting of some of the Sustainable Development Goals to which the country has committed. “Only by working together can we achieve [the 2030 Agenda]”, said Stefan Pauwels, Head of the European Union Cooperation Section in Peru. “The green economy and the circular economy are tools that allow progress in that direction”, he insisted.
Adapted from story first published on, August 2 2018. Read the original here (in Spanish)
ORIGINAL NEWS: Naciones Unidas pone a disposición del Perú herramientas para analizar impacto de políticas verdes (