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Graduating Country

Farm in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso has one of the lowest carbon emissions and ecological footprints in Sub-Saharan Africa. Its economy is heavily focused on agriculture and extractive industries, which together account for over 40% of GDP and over 90% of the country’s exports. However, it faces persistent challenges in the form of limited natural resources, high poverty levels and inequality. Some of these challenges are further aggravated by economic and employment fallout of COVID-19. In light of this, the Government has taken forward several national initiatives that highlight the country’s commitment to sustainable development. Burkina Faso celebrated eight years of achievements under PAGE in December 2022 after joining the partnership in 2014. It is now a Graduating Country.

The partnership between PAGE and Burkina Faso has contributed towards the achievement of several SDGs, including SDGs 2 (Zero Hunger), 4 (Quality Education), 5 (Gender Equality), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), 13 (Climate Action), 15 (Life on Land) and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

  1. 2023

    The National Academy on the Green Economy is held in December. This second edition builds up on last Green Economy Week held in 2022.

    Publishing of the assessment on green jobs in the field of sustainable tourism in December.

  2. 2022

    PAGE Burkina Faso Transition Ceremony

    National Green Economy Week 1st edition in collaboration with GGGI

  3. 2021

    Technical Monitoring Committee created to oversee implementation of the post-COVID-19 Green Recovery Workplan for the Tourism Sector

    Coaching for budget program managers and monitoring & evaluation officers on the integration of inclusive green economy into sector budget programmes

    West African Campaign on Learning about Climate Change

  4. 2020

    National Development Plan (2021-2025 – PNDES 2) drafting process involving PAGE 

    Green entrepreneurship training held by Maison de l’Entreprise for nine women entrepreneurs

    Three sub-regional exchange webinars for West Africa on green economy and climate change jointly by PAGE and UN CC:Learn

    Adoption of document to support the implementation of the National Strategy on the Green Economy (SNEV) at national workshop

    Workshop held to validate study on the impact of artisanal mining on sustainable agriculture

    New President re-elected and elections for National Assembly held

    Manual for Green Jobs developed

    Study on Environmental Taxation

    Virtual training workshop for government officials and NGO staff on the development of bankable projects

  5. 2019

    Action Plan for Sustainable Management and Export of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) developed and adopted

    National Industrial Strategy and Action Plan with a focus on greening Burkina Faso’s industry sector adopted; National Strategy of Industrialization (2019-2023)

    SNEV and supporting Action Plan adopted

    Draft National Sustainability Strategy developed; National Strategy of Green Economy

    Programme proposal to implement SNEV Action Plan submitted to technical government committee and donors

  6. 2018

    Green Economy Learning Needs Assessment and Action Plan completed

    Implementation of second National Rural Sector Programme (PNSR 2) commences integrating green economy principles

    Partnership established with national institutions to develop a green economy course programme

    Organisation of the First Political Dialogue on the Green Economy

    National Policy on Green Economy

  7. 2017

    Proposal for a new environmental tax developed 

    Five participants from Burkina Faso attended a training of trainers on green entrepreneurship in Senegal

  8. 2016

    National Plan – PNDES 2016-2020 adopted

    Green Economy Academy hosted in Ouagadougou with more than 200 participants

  9. 2014

    Burkina Faso joins PAGE

    Green Economy Assessment developed

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