
Table of Contents
PAGE in Senegal
In recent years, Senegal has established itself as one of West Africa’s economic hubs and, in the process, made significant strides towards improving the well-being of its population. Nevertheless, with much of its territory classified as semi-arid, the country is especially vulnerable to climate change impacts. As a large share of the population relies heavily on natural capital for their livelihood, committing to a green and inclusive economy is key to developmental success. In October 2022, Senegal celebrated eight years of PAGE collaboration after joining the partnership in 2014. It is now a Graduating Country.

PAGE Milestones
- 2023
Senegal published guidance on Sustainable Public Procurement
- 2022
Transition ceremony. Senegal becomes an Alumni country
- 2021
Mbeubeus waste pickers’ cooperation established
Operational directory of green jobs and occupations developed
PAGE Senegal Video Impact Story released
- 2020
Third edition of the National Green Economy Days held in Dakar
Decree establishing the organizational modalities of the national platform on the green economy signed by the Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development
Three sub-regional exchange webinars held for West Africa on green economy and climate change, jointly by PAGE and UN CC:Learn
Rapid assessments of the waste management market in Senegal
- 2019
National Strategy for the Promotion of Green Jobs (2015-2020) recognised by the World Future Council
Training workshop on green bonds supported by PAGE
Senegal enters final year of PAGE support, with sustainability strategy developed
- 2018
Development of the PSE II and second PAP to span 2019-2023
National Platform for Green Economy and related Action Plan launched at PAGE supported Green Economy Days
Workshop convened fostering the integration of the National Strategy on Green Jobs into the new National Employment Policy
PAGE partnership launched with Ecole Nationale d’Administration to train high-ranking government officials
- 2017
Workshop held by the GERME programme to build a pool of trainers providing business development services to green entrepreneurs
- 2016
National Strategic Orientation Document on Green Economy, together with supporting action plan formulated
First National Academy on Green Economy held
- 2015
National Strategy for Sustainable Development adopted
Green industry sectoral assessment and action plan towards green industrialisation developed
First edition of the Green Economy Days in Senegal held
National Green Jobs Strategy formulated and operationalised
- 2014
The Plan Senegal Emergent (PSE) adopted, together with its five-year Priority Action Plan (PAP 2014-2018)
PAGE work commenced following request from the Ministry of Environmental and Sustainable Development
PAGE Impact: 2014-2020 and Beyond
Senegal News & Events
Knowledge Hub
Senegal Industrialisation policy and strategy 2021-2023 (FR)
Updated Sustainability strategy and capitalising on achievements in Senegal (FR)
Senegal Sustainable public procurement training guide (FR)
Senegal Updated Green Economy Assessment Report (FR)
Updated Guide to sustainable public procurement in Senegal (FR)
Senegal Green Recovery Strategy (FR)
Senegal NDC implementation strategy taking into account the impact of Covid 19 (FR)
Sustainable Development
The partnership in Senegal has contributed to progress towards SDGs 4 (Quality Education), 5 (Gender Equality), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and 17 (Partnership for the Goals).