
Table of Contents
PAGE in Guyana
Guyana is a middle-income country endowed with abundant natural resources, fertile agricultural land and extensive forests that cover around 87 % of the country. Agriculture (including forestry and fisheries) and mining are key sectors in Guyana’s economy, each accounting for 20% of real GDP. As a natural resource-based economy, the country’s economic development is susceptible to climate change and fluctuations in global commodity prices. Guyana joined PAGE in 2017 and is now a Continuing Country.

Sustainable Development
PAGE work in Guyana aims to contribute towards SDGs 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), 13 (Climate Action) and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals), as well as Guyana’s NDC, especially as it relates to developing the country’s renewable energy potential.

PAGE Milestones
Programme on hold and being integrated into the UNCT’s Multi-Country Sustainable Development Framework and Cooperation Agreement
Final Green State Development Strategy Volume III: “Inclusiveness, Policy Cost Estimates and Monitoring & Evaluation Framework” finalized
New government administration establishes five-year priority in line with reprised Low Carbon Development Strategy from 2013
Scoping study on fiscal policy reforms to support sustainable agriculture commenced
Virtual Green Trade and Industry Policy training delivered
PAGE national advisory committee established
Series of high-level events held with ministries, civil society and media organisations during Green Economy Week
Green State Development Strategy officially welcomed by President, with implementation set for 2020
Green Economy Modelling Synthesis Report published on system dynamics green economy modelling
Training held to support model construction and data collection for the Green Jobs Assessment Model under development
- 2018
PAGE mission held to define priority areas aligned with the Green State Development Strategy
Four Green Conversations supported drawing over 600 participants
Work on a Green Jobs Assessment Model commenced
Medium-term system dynamics modelling of green economy scenarios carried out
Green Industry Trade Assessment completed
- 2017
PAGE engagement with Guyana announced at the PAGE Ministerial Conference