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Independence Square Montevideo

Uruguay ranks high in the Latin American region for its high level of human development and the opportunities it offers. The nation’s progress is underpinned by institutional stability and inclusive social policies. In recent years, the government integrated sustainable, inclusive and green development into its fundamental economic strategies, setting ambitious goals for achieving equality, environmental conservation and economic diversification. However, despite these strides, Uruguay’s economy remains vulnerable to fluctuations in the global market with exports heavily reliant on primary, resource intensive sectors such as agriculture and livestock. Uruguay joined PAGE in 2017, under the leadership of the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Energy, to further advance its commitment to green economy principles.

  1. 2024

    Launch of National Circular Economy Strategy

  2. 2022

    Lessons learned and perspectives of the Inclusive Green Economy – Celebrating 5 years of PAGE Uruguay

  3. 2021

    Launch of the National Waste Management Plan

  4. 2020

    Circular Opportunities Sectoral Fund launched as part of the “Uruguay Circular Program’

  5. 2019

    First Circular Economy Award for Latin America and the Caribbean held in Uruguay (held annually)

    National Development Strategy Uruguay 2050 officially announced, including environmental components supported by PAGE

    National Circular Economy Action Plan published

  6. 2018

    National Environmental Plan for Sustainable Development approved

  7. 2017

    PAGE launched in Uruguay

    National Steering Committee established

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