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Interview of Manuel Albaladejo | 26/08/2024

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is the specialized agency of the United Nations with a unique mandate to promote and accelerate sustainable industrial development.

Under the PAGE programme, UNIDO’s activities focus on engagement and policy coordination in the industrial sector, on providing industrial policy guidance to partner countries and supporting implementation through industry engagement, relevant training, and the formation of public-private partnerships.

In 2017, Uruguay joined the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) to strengthen the capacity of policymakers to assess the impact of environmental policies, fostering public-private collaboration and raising awareness of inclusive green economy principles. This led Uruguay to embrace the concept of circular economy, recognizing its potential to generate new businesses and jobs while prioritizing environmental sustainability. In 2024, the country  presented its National Circular Economy Strategy.

Manuel Albaladejo, head of the UNIDO’s Regional Office (ONUDI Conosur) in Montevideo, Uruguay, tells us about the impact of UNIDO’s initiatives as part of the PAGE programme in Uruguay and the country’s journey towards a greener and more circular economy. 

Manuel Albaladejo is a private sector development expert with 25 years of professional experience in research and advisory work in the fields of trade and industry policy, green transitions, institutional capacity building and investment and business climate in developing countries. He is currently heading UNIDO’s Regional Office in Montevideo covering Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and Paraguay, and leading the organization´s technical cooperation portfolio in the areas of green growth, circular economy and energy transitions

Portrait of Manuel Albaladejo, head of ONUDI conosur

Uruguay has a long tradition in sustainable development but in recent years the government has emphasized green transitions as guiding path to boost growth, jobs and economic diversification. PAGE has been instrumental in inserting green policies within the National Development Strategy 2050 and has given a fundamental push for the country to embrace the circular economy agenda and other environment-related policies. This green transformation also calls for the development of new institutional capacities at the government level, and PAGE has supported this process with a learning assessment and capacity building plan on green economy as well trainings and workshops for public and private stakeholders at the central and provincial levels.

Uruguay has a long tradition in sustainable development but in recent years the government has emphasized green transitions as guiding path to boost growth, jobs and economic diversification.

PAGE, through its support with the circular awards, contribution to ANDE´s programme and the development of the National Strategy on Circular Economy, has been key to rationalize and structure all government´s efforts to mainstream the circular economy in the policy agenda.

Uruguay is a regional reference when it comes to the circular economy. Besides early policy efforts, the country started to implement circularity initiatives through the GEF-funded Biovalor project, led by the Ministry of Industry and implemented by UNIDO. With Biovalor´s support, Uruguay was the host of the first regional circular economy forum in 2017, paving the path for many other forums. Biovalor also joined the National Economic Development Agency (ANDE) in the development of Uruguay´s ´Circular Opportunities´ programme to cofinance circularity initiatives at the firm level.  This led to other government agencies, private sector organizations and the academic community to embrace the circular economy agenda.

PAGE, through its support with the circular awards, contribution to ANDE´s programme and the development of the National Strategy on Circular Economy, has been key to rationalize and structure all government´s efforts to mainstream the circular economy in the policy agenda. The launch of the Strategy, led by three sectoral ministries including Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining (MIEM), the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries (MGAP), is a major milestone for the country as it hopes to pursue a green growth agenda with circularity at its core. The Government of Uruguay has given PAGE a strong recognition as a catalyzing program to embedding the circular economy in the country.


UNIDO will continue promoting the shift towards green transitions in Latin America´s south cone, not only due to need to combat climate change through decarbonization of key sectors of the economy, but also as the means to generate new sources of income and jobs. In Uruguay, UNIDO supports the Government in its 2nd energy transition through the Joint SDG programme ´Renewable Energy Innovation Fund´, a blended finance instrument that mobilizes private sector financing. UNIDO will also continue its work on circular economy accompanying the implementation of the National Strategy. It is for this reason that we consider that PAGE could continue its excellent support in a subsequent phase to put words into action, so to get tangible results.

Winner of the Premio Uruguay Circular
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