
Table of Contents
PAGE in Ghana
Ghana has achieved strong economic growth over the past two decades, reducing poverty and improving social indicators. The 2006-2009 food, fuel and financial crisis prompted the government to transition to more sustainable growth, motivating a strong political commitment to advancing an inclusive green economy (IGE). Ghana joined PAGE in 2014 and is now a Graduating Country.

- 2024
Release of the Green Jobs Assessment Model
- 2021
Ghana Waste Fair held by UNDP and the Ghana National Plastic Action Partnership and the Waste Recovery Platform, with support from PAGE
- 2020
National study on skills for green jobs finalized
National Strategy on Green Jobs and Action Plan drafted
Virtual training for primary school teachers on green economy and climate change
Assessment and review of previous training provided to mainstream climate change and IGE in development planning processes and data reporting requirements
Development of green finance course and pilot training concluded
- 2019
Final year of PAGE support commenced, with national sustainability plan developed
Training series delivered on all MMDAs to support long-term mainstreaming of green economy goals and targets into local development plans
Climate change and green economy concepts integrated into school curricula
Study on green finance finalized
National Strategy on Green Jobs in development
- 2018
Medium-term development plans of sub-national MMDAs developed
New National Medium-Term Development Plan (2018-2011) – informed by development planning of MMDAs
National Dialogue on “Decent Work and Just Transition to Sustainable Economy and Society for All” held
Two media trainings held to inform journalists on climate change and green economy
Metadata for monitoring progress of MMDAs in mainstreaming climate change and green economy-related SDGs operationalized
- 2017
Manual for mainstreaming green economy and aligning SDGs into Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) development plans produced
- 2016
Green Economy Action Plan finalized
- 2015
Green Industry and Trade Assessment completed, Green Economy Assessment Study and Green Economy Stocktaking Report released providing a basis for PAGE work
Green Economy Week held to mark the completion of the inception phase
- 2014
Ghana joins PAGE to support Ghana’s Shared Growth and Development Agenda II and National Climate Change Policy
National Steering Committee established to oversee PAGE work
Ghana News & Events
Knowledge Hub
Ghana Green Jobs Assessment Model
Ghana Green Economy Fiscal Policy Study
Ghana Green Industry and Trade Assessment
Ghana National Climate Change and Green Economy Learning Strategy
Ghana Factsheet
Ghana Green Finance Study
Ghana Mainstreaming Climate Change and Green Economy
Sustainable Development
The partnership in Ghana has contributed to progress towards SDGs 4 (Quality Education), 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), 13 (Climate Action) and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).