Partnership for Action on Green Economy launched in Brazil

10 November 2016
Partnership for Action on Green Economy launched in Brazil
Mato Grosso, Brazil, 10 November 2016 – In partnership with five UN agencies, Brazil launched today the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) to promote inclusive green economy in the state of Mato Grosso.
The goals of the initiative are to support Mato Grosso’s transition to a green economy, resulting in improved human welfare and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological imbalances. The Partnership does this by providing technical and financial support to conduct analysis for green economy opportunities, to reframe policy across sectors, and to build individual and institutional capacity to ensure sustainability.
The launch of PAGE was held in Cuiabá, the capital of the state of Mato Grosso in Brazil, and was attended by international experts on green economy, including Mr. Steven Stone, Chief of UN Environment’s Economics and Trade Branch; Mr. Peter Poschen, Coordinator of the International Labour Organization’s Green Jobs and Decent Work Program; Mr. Paulo Sérgio Muçouçah, Sociologist and green economy scholar; Mr. Valdir Bündchen, and Mr. Miguel Angel Beretta, PAGE Coordinator in Peru.
The programme is an initiative of the Government of the State of Mato Grosso, coordinated by the State Secretariat of Labour and Social Assistance, and PAGE.
Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE)
PAGE’s overall vision is to facilitate an equitable and sustainable transformation of national economic structures toward environmental sustainability, the creation of decent work and the promotion of human well-being in twenty countries by 2020.
More specifically, PAGE supports the creation of conditions to favour investment in green economic assets, including clean technologies, structures for using resources efficiently, ecosystem conservation, developing skilled labour for green jobs and good governance. Mato Grosso is the first Brazilian state to join this partnership and is developing projects to implement the initiative over the next three years.
“Today, the State of Mato Grosso marks its desire to join the global effort to create a more sustainable world through the Partnership for Action on Green Economy. From our part, PAGE applauds the government’s initiative, in particular the idea that we can have equitable and sustainable growth based on a strategy of production, conservation and inclusion”, said the Chief of UN Environment’s Economics and Trade Branch, Steven Stone.
The Director of the International Labour Organization Country Office in Brazil, Peter Poschen, added: “PAGE will support the state government, businesses and civil society in Mato Grosso to generate more and better jobs through the sustainable use and preservation of its enormous natural wealth.”
In 2012, Rio+20 (the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development) was held in Brazil. The conference’s outcome document entitled The Future we Want was a call to action for governments, business and the UN alike to support countries interested in transition to a green economy. PAGE was created as the UN’s direct response to this call of action.–pt/index.htm