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PAGE is the pioneer to support offices of UN Resident Coordinators around the world to deliver tailored support to countries, enable cross-fertilization, and leverage the UN System for green economic transformation. It has established new mechanisms that can mobilize the whole of the UN System at country level in support of a circular economy agenda.

Collaborating across the UN System — leveraging its collective knowledge — can accelerate green recovery and green economic transformation. The United Nations development system (UNDS) reforms provide an opportunity to harness the structures in place to improve cohesion across the system, build regional strategies, improve decision-making, and bolster the capacity of UN Country Teams. PAGE is actively engaged in greater coordination and is using this approach to reinforce support to partner countries and to further drive innovative and unified change.

Over the past years, PAGE has established close collaboration with a wide range of action partners at country and global level, aligning support for higher impact. Different alliances and forms of cooperation are possible, subject to each country situation, the sectors/themes it prioritizes for economic transformation and overall development goals.

A blue United Nations flag on a pole

PAGE promotes economic transformation through dialogue. This arm of our work further informs decision-making and looks to build deeper political will for the Inclusive Green Economy movement. PAGE engages across the UN system, and through the UN Resident Coordinator network, to leverage collective expertise in economic thinking, offering deeper policy advice to partners and contributing to a strengthened global understanding of green economy principles.

PAGE, in close coordination with the United Nations Economist Network (UNEN), established the Green Transformation Economic Advisory Mechanism (Green TEAM) in 2021 to provide deeper support on economics to partner countries.

This mechanism brings together economists from the United Nations Resident Coordinator Office (UNRCOs), five PAGE agencies, UN Regional Economic Commissions, UN Chief Economist, local academic and research institutes from PAGE partner countries, and international think tanks.

The Green TEAM advises and informs PAGE country and global work on green economic transformation.

This mechanism was further strengthened to respond to the increasing demand from countries in this area of work, including a closer coordination with the United Nations Development Coordination Office (UNDCO) and UNRCOs. The Green TEAM is seen as a good model for joint delivery by UN agencies on green economic transformation to UN Members States.

Within this framework, PAGE has also launched the Dialogue Series with Offices of UN Resident for peer-to-peer learning and exchange on knowledge and best practices on accelerating fair and green economic transformations.

  • Responding to Country Needs

    In close coordination with the economists from UN RCOs and PAGE agencies, the Green TEAM offers targeted country-level support to mainstream sustainability considerations to UN and national strategic plans, such as Common Country Analyses (CCAs) and Cooperation Frameworks.

  • Green Economy Progress Measurement Framework

    PAGE has released a key tool for policymakers, analysts and other stakeholders to gain understanding on how green economy is progressing in their respective country. The Green Economy Progress (GEP) Measurement Framework helps countries to evaluate their overall progress towards 
an Inclusive Green Economy and to enable a cross-country comparison of progress.

  • Responding to Global Challenges

    PAGE promotes dialogue and partnerships at the global level to promote economic transformation. This informs decision-making and builds deeper political will for climate aligned economic transformation.

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