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Leveraging collective knowledge

Flyer Keeping up with the United Nations

Over the past years, PAGE has established close collaboration with UN Resident Coordinator Offices and UN Country teams to provide economic expertise and policy advice on green economy principles, enhancing global understanding, and leverage the UN System for green economic transformation.

The interview series “Keeping up with the United Nations” aims to raise awareness on these fruitful collaborations at the country level and global level.

  • Manop Udomkerdmongkol

    Manop Udomkerdmongkol joined the United Nations Resident Coordination Office (UNRCO) of Thailand in 2019 and tells us about the green economic development work with PAGE.

  • Fulvia Farinelli

    Fulvia Farinelli joined the United Nations Resident Coordination Office (UNRCO) of Argentina in 2020 and works as a Senior Economist, Development Coordination Officer

  • Renaud Meyer portrait. UNDP resident representative Thailand

    Renaud Meyer

    Renaud Meyer, UNDP resident representative in Thailand, tells us about his work and collaboration with PAGE

  • Gita Sabharwal

    Gita Sabharwal, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Indonesia, delves into the main priorities for advancing the circular economy agenda in Indonesia

  • Shombi Sharp

    UN Resident Coordinator in India, Shombi Sharp tells us about some of the specific areas of PAGE’s interventions, collaborations and the country’s green initiatives.

  • Marat Shashkenov

    Marat Shashkenov joined the United Nations Resident Coordination Office (UNRCO) of Kazaksthan in 2022 and tells us about the green economic development work with PAGE.

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