Over the past years, PAGE has established close collaboration with UN Resident Coordinator Offices and UN Country Teams to provide economic expertise and policy advice on green economy principles, enhancing global understanding, and leverage the UN System for green economic transformation. The interview series “Keeping up with the United Nations” raises awareness on these fruitful collaborations at the country level and global level.
India joined PAGE in 2018 under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. PAGE activities in the country are focusing in priority on circular economy, eco-labelling, green
manufacturing and sustainable public procurement.
Mr Shombi Sharp is the UN Resident Coordinator for India since November 2021. He has devoted more than 25 years of his career to promoting inclusive and sustainable development internationally, bringing experience he has acquired at the United Nations and externally to his position. Prior to joining the United Nations, he began his career in development with the international non-profit CARE International in Zimbabwe.
In this interview, UN Resident Coordinator Shombi Sharp tells us about some of the specific areas of PAGE’s interventions, collaborations and the country’s green initiatives.