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18 February 2020

Solar panels on building

Having established itself as one of West Africa’s economic hubs, Senegal has, in tandem, made significant strides towards improving the well-being of its population through its commitment to sustainable development. In that effort, Senegal adopted the “Plan Senegal Emergent” (PSE) in 2014, outlining a new development model designed to accelerate its progress towards emerging market status and facilitate its transition to a green economy in the mid to long-term. In addition, the country also adopted the National Strategy for Sustainable Development in 2015. 

Solar panels on building

PAGE intervention has focused on the operationalization of the PSE and its  five-year Priority Action Plan (PAP 2014-2018), specifically two pillars integral to green economy transition: “Structural Transformation of the Economy and Growth” and “Human Capital, Social Protection and Sustainable Development”.  

Now entering its final year of PAGE support, 11 and 12 February saw key actors and stakeholders across sectors gather in Dakar for the third edition of the National Green Economy Days, aiming to “Reinforce achievements and ensure the sustainability of the green economy in Senegal”.    

Organized by the Government of Senegal, under the leadership of the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, and in collaboration with United Nations agencies and national partners involved in the implementation of the PAGE in Senegal, the Green Economy Days were a platform to present the strategy to sustain action on green economy, beyond the work of PAGE, and further anchor sustainable development in Senegal. Involving partners from government, private sector, academia and civil society discussion has covered national green employment policies; the updated version of the Green Economy Assessment; recent studies on green skills and green jobs, along with a methodology for the statistical estimation of green jobs; circular economy; social and solidarity economy; training modules on IGE developed for government excecutives; and programmes for future skill development — all with a view to develop a roadmap for the continuation of green economy activities in the years to come. 

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