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28 July 2020

Boat overlooking the sea

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the PAGE Senegal Steering Committee and Inter-Agency group met virtually on 8 July to take stock of the implementation of the 2019-2020 work plan, to validate the draft 2020-2021 work plan and to define the modalities of implementing current activities. In addition to the PAGE UN agency and Secretariat staff, the meeting benefited from the participation of a wide variety of partners, including the Department of the Environment and Classified Establishments, Enda Energy, Green Financing and Partnerships Department, the High Council for Social Dialogue, the Waste Management Coordination Unit, the Ministry of Economy and Cooperation and the Ministry of Labour.  

Due to the impacts of an extended lockdown, COVID-19 has affected the delivery of some activities in Senegal, which will now be carried over into the 2020-2021. Additionally, it was decided that in 2020-2021 Senegal will commence two new activities; a “rapid situational analysis of COVID-19 impact to the Nationally Determined Contribution process” and the “PAGE communication materials pack on impact and key achievements in Senegal,” featuring an impact story that will highlight the various outcomes of PAGE’s engagement in Senegal. These activities aim to assess and minimise the impact COVID-19 has had on the strong green economy agenda in Senegal built upon by PAGE over the past five years of engagement, while sharing experiences and outcomes to build further demand and promote the need for an inclusive, green economy transformation at the national and global level. 

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