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02 July 2020

PAGE Argentina’s momentum on capacity building for a Just Transition has not been lost in the midst of COVID-19, engaging a tripartite selection of key decision makers to the ITCILO training courses “Green Jobs for Sustainable Development” and “Managing Just Transition Policies”. The online courses were structured towards the design and implementation of green jobs policies, programmes and projects and included participants from the Argentinian Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Production and Ministry of Labour, as well as employers and workers representatives to the ILO.

 Following the training course, PAGE coordinated a joint presentation from the three Ministries, as well as the Workers Union Centrals and Employers representation, which highlighted the need for a Just Transition in Argentina and presented a draft National Strategy for Just Transition, reviewing possible entry points for sustainability in the policies of employment, industrial promotion, trade unions and business. 

 The tripartite dialogue is envisaged to start this year in the frame of PAGE Argentina and represents an opportunity to strengthen collaborative efforts and coordination amongst agencies on policies for a Just Transition, while building a social dialogue to increase momentum on sustainable and inclusive outcomes. It builds on the ambitious work of PAGE Argentina on Just Transition, which includes a Green Jobs Fair and Youth Hackathon on Green Jobs and Just Transition held in 2019, a course module on Just Transition presented in 2020 by the  PAGE Coordinator at the Global Institute for Labour of the National University UNTREF in 2020, and which counted on the joint introduction on behalf of ILO-Country Director Pedro Furtado Oliveira and UNI Global President Ruben Cortina. As well, an ongoing assessment of the effects of the transition to a green economy on the labour market is being carried out by the ILO country lead under PAGE Argentina. 

“The question on how to shape the transition to a greener economy in a just and fair way is increasingly on the national and international agenda: If we look at initiatives like the Climate Action for Jobs of the UNFCCC or the European Green New Deal, it becomes more and more evident that Social Dialogue is crucial for leaving no-one behind. 

Supporting our partners in PAGE Argentina for the development of institutional capacities that allow us to advance in the Just Transition agenda through a tripartite Social Dialogue, is therefore fundamental.” – Joaquín Etorena Hormaeche, PAGE National Coordinator, ILO

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