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Welcome to the PAGE Knowledge Hub!

PAGE was launched in 2013 with the objective to provide the analysis and policy support for greening economic sectors in partner countries. This consists in producing reports, knowledge products, outreach material and research related materials, providing advisory services on ways to move towards a green economy in partner countries as well as engaging with a wide range of stakeholders.

Serving as a knowledge exchange platform, the partnerships promotes peer-to-peer learning, South-South cooperation and Triangular cooperation, and knowledge generation.

The PAGE Knowledge Hub facilitates the access to publications, assessments, reports, courses, videos and podcasts and serves as hub to share information and learning material.

After a decade of successful collaboration, PAGE has supported over 100 policy reforms to advance green and circular economy and has collaborated with 300 ministries and national institutions in 22 countries, which benefitted from capacity development and knowledge exchange.

2023 Report

A person in a yellow shirt holding a red cloth

Man holding red textile outdoor

  • Assessments

    Definite goals and objectives have been set in policy documents in order to generate economic growth based on appropriate macroeconomic policy implementations and green development concepts. PAGE support countries by assessing countries.

  • Policies

    PAGE distinguishes itself from other international support programmes by focusing mainly on reframing strategic policies.

  • Knowledge Products

    PAGE generates and shares knowledge products such as manuals, reports, lessons learned and best practices to inform and support national policy analysis and formulation.

  • Training Packages

    Explore courses dealing with green economy issues and learn about key concepts, policy instruments and international frameworks for inclusive green economies.

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