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02 February 2016

Collection of images showing production methods

The Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) is pleased to announce the release of four country-level Green Industry Assessments. The assessments provide in-depth examinations of the role of industry in facilitating the transition to a green economy in each country. They also provide analysis of current industrial patterns and review relevant planning and policy. The assessments include recommendations for how governments can better support the transition to green industrial production. 

Collection of images showing production methods

The four assessments being released are: 

  • L’industrie Verte au Burkina Faso: Évaluation et perspectives de développement
  • Ghana: the role of Green Industry and Trade
  • Perú: la Transición Hacia Una Industria Verde: Perspectivas de la industria manufacturera
  • L’industrie Verte au Senegal: Évaluation et perspectives de développement

L’industrie Verte au Burkina Faso: Évaluation et perspectives de développement
This study identifies many strengths and assets which can support and facilitate the transition to green industry in Burkina Faso, as well as many challenges which may impede progress. The study provides recommendations for how a green industry transition can succeed.
Click here to read the report 

Ghana: Green Industry and Trade Assessment
This assessment provides an in-depth examination of the role of industry and trade in facilitating the transition to a green economy in Ghana. The assessment reviews the multiple planning and policy regimes in place. It identifies a set of both modified and new policies to support the transition to green industrial production and trade. The report identifies further opportunities for the international community to assist Ghana to transform its economy.
Click here to read the report 

Perú: la Transición Hacia Una Industria Verde: Perspectivas de la industria manufacturera
This assessment investigates the potential for green industry in Peru and provides recommendations for the creation and support of green industry as a fundamental part of the country’s transition to a green economy.
Click here to read the report

L’industrie Verte au Senegal: Évaluation et perspectives de développement
This study analyses the opportunities that Senegal has for advancing green industry as well as the obstacles that must be overcome in order to realize a green industry transition. It examines political and legislative constraints as well as technological and human capacities. It provides recommendations for how to address constraints in order to realize a green industry transition.
Click here to read the report

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