High-level side-event COP28
Circularity as a game changer for climate action: upscaling applied research and economic solutions

Table of Contents
3 December 2023, 18:30 - 20:00 GST
Circularity is transformational, doable, and above all a means of addressing climate change. This session examines key challenges and opportunities and reflects on real examples of success and best practices from the research-policy space and the real economy.
The event will be live streamed with live polling from the public in real-time.

Circularity is transformational, doable, and above all a means of addressing climate change. This session examines key challenges and opportunities and reflects on real examples of success and best practices from the research-policy space and the real economy.
Our natural systems function in a circular way (carbon, water, and nutrient cycles). These natural cycles could and should be emulated in our economic system in order to cope with systemic challenges such as the climate crisis.
The concept of circularity continues to engage researchers, policymakers and practitioners around the globe. While policy progress has been made, particularly in area of waste management, we are a long way from a holistic and universal application of circularity as a foundation for climate action.
Meanwhile, the private sector is moving ahead, prompted by real-life economic benefits, and there are engaging examples to share and learn from both developed and developing countries.
What have we learned so far, where might innovative breakthroughs come from, and how to overcome existing barriers?
Drawing from country experience United Nations University (UNU), UN PAGE partnership, the Global Alliance on Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency (GACERE), and Ellen MacArthur Foundation reflect on circularity as a game changer for climate action in the real economy.
Tentative Agenda
- Opening
- Rie Vejs-Kjeldgaard, Director of Sustainable Enterprises, Productivity and Just Transition, ILO
- Keynote
- Prof. Tshilidzi Marwala, Rector of the United Nations University (UNU)
- Discussion
Governmental panel and interactive discussion, including the presentations by researchers
Moderated by Miranda Schnitger, Climate Lead, Ellen MacArthur Foundation
- Hon. Cecilia Nicolini, State Secretary of Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Innovation, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Argentina
- Hon. Leena Nandan, Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India
- Mrs. Carla Montesi, Director for Green Deal and Digital Agenda, Directorate-General for International Partnership, European Union
- Mrs Milagros Sandoval Diaz, General Director of Climate Change and Desertification at the Ministry of Environment, Peru
Research presentations/Insights
- Ms Nidhi Nagabhatla, Senior Fellow and Cluster Coordinator – Nature, Climate and Health – UNU CRIS, UNU CRIS
- Ms Sanae Okamoto, Researcher, UNU MERIT
- Ms Edeltraud Guenther, Director, UNU FLORES
**all speakers subject to change
- Closing remarks
Mr. Angus Mackay, Director, Division for Planet Manager, Green Development and Climate Change Programme, UNITAR
**agenda subject to change
Invited speakers
Cecilia Nicolini, State Secretary of Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Innovation, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Argentina
Hon. Leena Nandan, Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India
Rie Vejs-Kjeldgaard, Director of Sustainable Enterprises, Productivity and Just Transition, ILO and member of PAGE management board
Angus Mackay, Director, Division for Planet Manager, Green Development and Climate Change Programme, UNITAR
Carla Montesi, Director for Green Deal and Digital Agenda | Directorate-General for International Partnerships, EU
Milagros Sandoval Diaz, General Director of Climate Change and Desertification at the Ministry of Environment, Peru
Tshilidzi Marwala, Rector of the United Nations University (UNU)
Nidhi Nagabhatla, Senior Fellow and Cluster Coordinator - Nature, Climate and Health - UNU CRIS
Dr Edeltraud Guenther, Director, UNU FLORES
Dr. Sanae Okamoto, Researcher, UNU MERIT
Miranda Schnitger, Climate Lead, Ellen MacArthur Foundation
The Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) is an alliance of five UN agencies that work together to transform economies into drivers of sustainability. Since its founding in 2013, PAGE has fostered inclusive, green economic transformation in 22 partner countries.
The United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS) is a research and training institute of the United Nations University
The Global Alliance on Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency (GACERE) is an alliance of governments at the global level willing to work together on and advocate for a global just circular economy transition and more sustainable management of natural resources at the political level and in multilateral fora.
Elle Mac Arthur Foundation
The Ellen MacArthur Foundation is a charity committed to creating a circular economy, which is designed to eliminate waste and pollution, circulate products and materials, and regenerate nature.