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23 March 2023

workshop with ILO

Officials from the High Commission for Planning (HCP) followed a workshop training on 20-22 March in Rabat, led by ILO, about green jobs statistics as part of an action plan for the measurement of green jobs in Morocco. The objective was to reinforce national capacities in statistics in the fields of environment and green jobs as the Government is investing in a greener and more inclusive growth path.

This workshop was co-founded and organized through the initiatives “Advancing the Decent Work Agenda in North Africa” (ADWA) and “Promotion of decent work in the agro-industrial sector in Morocco” (ProAgro Morocco). The High Commission for Planning is the main producer of official statistics in the country.


workshop with ILO

Under the PAGE programme in Morocco, the HCP called on the ILO to support the establishment of a baseline system that includes a set of indicators that allow for the continuous measurement of the country’s progress towards achieving an inclusive and green economy by conducting periodic evaluations of green jobs.

The ILO has agreed with the HCP to implement a joint action plan for the measurement of green jobs in Morocco, the first activity of which was the organisation of a training workshop on green jobs statistics for technical staff and users of HCP statistics.

The workshop training focused on concepts and operational definitions, data sources and types, construction, interpretation, integration and use of key environmental employment indicators and green jobs. The training served also as a platform to exchange experiences in measuring green jobs.

ADWA’ project works at the policy-making level to support evidence- based decisions on key dimensions of the Decent Work Agenda. It is funded by the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida).

ProAgro Morocco, proposes an integrated strategy combining support for the implementation of employment policies, skills development, agro-industrial value chain development and entrepreneurship training. It is funded by Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany.

PAGE is a joint initiative of UNIDO, ILO, UNEP, UNDP and UNITAR that supports 22 countries in shaping inclusive and green economy policy and practice. Morocco joined PAGE in 2019.

Sources: PAGE, ILO, HCP

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