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24 November 2020

PAGE Partner Countries, South Africa and Argentina, joined the GGKP-led webinar Green Jobs and a Just Transition: Country Perspectives  on 18 November to present their respective experiences, best practices and national strategies for overcoming challenges in working towards just and green development.

Offering particular insights on green economic recovery potential, this is the third edition of a five-part GGKP webinar series, under the project  Green Economy Transformation: Synergies between Low-carbon Pathways and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)  funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) under the International Climate Initiative (IKI), in cooperation with PAGE running from 2018 to 2021.  

With representation from Mactavish Makwarela, Director of Mitigation, South Africa’s Department of Climate, Change, Air Quality and Sustainable Development and Rodrigo Rodriguez Tornquist, Secretary of Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Innovation, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Argentina, the webinar south to address topics such as: the importance of green jobs in national recovery strategies; what sectors are leading in green jobs creation; and how governments can support workers during a green transition. 

The first webinar in the series, We’re Here to Help: Free policy advisory services for a greener economy (May 2019), introduced free-of-charge advisory services for policymakers, policy advisors, and supporting institutions to aid the transition to an inclusive green economy. 

The second webinar, Measuring What Matters: A new methodology for collecting and reporting data on fossil fuel subsidies (October 2019), presented a methodology for measuring fossil fuel subsidies in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals and providing practical guidance to governments for collecting and reporting data on fossil fuel subsidies.


Green jobs and just transition: Country perspectives

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